Hey you all out there, Grease Monkeys... eh... sorry,
Luke Loonies! I'm Kenickie,
Luke Clone. As you can see, Anakin lets me do whatever I want....
Anakin: Not true!
Ok, shoo! It's my page Anakin! So here I conduct
a simple poll, a very simple one! Answer me ok!
Kenickie's Quest
And Anakin wants to conduct the next one for me!
Anakin: Yeah, I've done it for you but you
need to tell them yourself.
Ok, here's it.
J Kenickie
And some more! These are actually factual, but I just wanna see who knows
what! No penalties for getting them wrong though! The middle one is a little
controversial though...
Name name!
The "truth?"
Identity Crisis
Gee Thanks! Thanks for taking my polls! Hope you enjoyed helping me around!
That's all for now. MTFBWY!