Formerly touting the name LOST SOULS, INRAGE hail from where else? Sweden, of course! I don't know much about LOST SOULS but INRAGE are clearly out to establish a sound that categorizes themselves as a traditional Thrash outfit. In recent years the revival of this lost art has been accelerating and I personally welcome it. Its, after all, what made the extreme Metal scene what it is today.So the meager rating has you thinking you shouldn't waste your time reading this review? Well just hear me out because it ain't so bad. The problem with Built To Destroy is that it doesn't follow the first three songs in their strength and instead trails off into a rather dull and unimaginative endeavor. Had this album capitalized on the power those first three tracks exhibit, well this might have been really excellent stuff. INRAGE open their debut with a strong track entitled "Gift To Restore", which has you excited and believing you have got your hands on a gem of a release. Built To Destroy is a well produced and nicely executed album. What it lacks in it's totality is interesting songwriting. The riffs, on the bulk of the tracks after the aforementioned three, are rather dull and lack the hooks it takes to keep listeners coming back for successive listens. This is a shame given that the potential INRAGE seem to have is not yet realized. However, considering that this album was recorded nearly two years ago it incites the listener to wonder if they've managed to write some better material since then. I certainly hope so because there is a nucleus from which to grow from for INRAGE.
Comparisons that come to mind are early MACHINE HEAD, perhaps a slight PANTERA, a hint of DIMENSION ZERO and some shades of various Bay Area Power/Thrash from the late 80's and early 90's. If this sounds remotely attractive to you then I encourage you to go out and sample this album, if for no other reason than to get enjoyment out of the opening three songs. For now, I will enjoy them myself and hope the band grow into something they seem rightly capable of.