Whenever I was able I would bring a small camera with me to gigs I attended.  Most places didn't allow them but I managed to get a few.  Not all the pictures here were taken by me.  Some were given to me by others.  I regret not remembering who took some of them. (Please ask for permission to use these images elsewhere!)

DARK ANGEL Collage:  I must have attended about 8-10 DARK ANGEL gigs (they were a local band in my area).  These date from 1985 and were shot at Radio City (which later burned down).  All but two of them were taken by me. (This file is about 824k)

Trey of MORBID ANGEL:  Live in Florida.  Sent to me by Trey in 1986.

Trey circa 1985/86:  Trey sent this to me and is of him and his SG he loved so much!

Kerry King of SLAYER:  Nice professional live shot from around 1985.  This was taken by a guy who use to run a small Metal Record shop here in Los Angeles.

WARGOD:  Live shot from of two members of a band I roadied for back in 1985.  They were a local Speed/Thrash band who recorded two demos and had a lot of potential. This is Michelle and Greg.  Michelle was one of the guitarists and quite a good one I might add.  Greg was an exceptional bassist who later converted to playing Jazz music.

