Adjusting the Sun Reach for the sky. ????????? It will make you blind. There is no end. And to the stars. And Planets. Solar Systems (a far?). Is their anyone up there. To answer our prayers? Silence Terrorists Religious Anti-Christ You think you know the answer? Heaven. Hell. GOD. Satan. Would not be with out the other. (Mankind murders?) (Power. Murder.?) It is all for the pleasure. Cowards. Murders. God. Satan. Would not be with out the other. Religion. (A rusted machine.?) Reilgion you think ???? -Grunt- Silence Terrorists Religion Anti-Christ You think you know the answer? Heaven. Hell. GOD. Satan. There would be none with out the other. (Mankind murders?) (Power. Murder.?) It is all for the pleasure. Cowards. Murders. God. Satan. Would not be with out the other. -Grunt-