I am from Louisiana. I have lived here for most of my life. Yep, Born and Raised in LA!! I did spend sometime in California, but I was SO homesick. I think I missed the people the most, or the food. I've never decided which one I missed the most. There wasn't anything that I didn't miss. I never knew there was such a thing as brown grass until I went to California. The grass here is ALWAYS green, and there are trees everywhere. It rains and there is LIGHTNING here. I never saw lightning once in California. O.K. As much as I love it here, I still want to go back to visit California because there are things that I miss there also....like the mountains. Enough about Cali and LA.
Please do come back to my page later on. I make changes to it every once in a while, a lot right now since I'm starting the page. There is always something that I want to change when I get the time to. This is my second web page ever, but I think I'm doing O.K. on it. If you have any suggestions that you would like to make about what should be on my page, or for that fact what shouldn't be on my page, just e-mail me. Thanks.
Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.