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II. Text
There are various ways to format the text that appears on your Web site. On the previous page, I showed you how to define the color of your text within the <body> tag. I will now show you another method used to change the color of your text and I will also discuss other ways to format the text-based content that appears on your website.

There are two widely used tags that I will introduce before explaining the different methods of formatting. These two tags are the <br> and the <p></p> tags . The <br> tag is the Line Break tag. This tag moves any text after it to the next line of the document. The <p></p> tag is known as the Paragraph tag. This tag will create evenly spaced paragraphs. Below is an example of what the <br> tag and the <p></p> tag does:






     <p>Paragraph 1 is just some sample text used to show you what the Paragraph tag does.</p>
     <p>Paragraph 2 is more sample text used to show you what the Paragraph tag does.</p>


Paragraph 1 is just some sample text used to show you what the Paragraph tag does.

Paragraph 2 is more sample text used to show you what the Paragraph tag does.

Now that I've introduced those two tags, I will move on to alignment. We will be focusing on the Paragraph tag to accomplish this.

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The first method of formatting that I will introduce is alignment. There are three different types of alignment that you can use. These types include left, center and right.

As with many tags, the <p></p> tag has attributes that can be used within the tag. For now, we will be using the align attribute. Using the align attribute is very simple:

Align left (default):

<p>This text is aligned left</p>


<p align="left">This text is aligned left</p>

This text is aligned left

Align center:

<p align="center">This text is aligned center</p>

This text is aligned center

Align right:

<p align="right">This text is aligned right</p>

This text is aligned right

There is also another way to center your text. To accomplish this, you can also use the <center></center> tag.

<center>This text is centered by using the Center tag</center>

This text is centered by using the Center tag

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Font Types
Now I will discuss how to format the look of your text. I will start by explaining how to use a font other then the default font, which is generally Times New Roman. To change the type of font that will appear on the user's screen, you will use the <font> tag and the face attribute. As I explained before, not every computer may have the font that you choose to use so try to stick to the more common fonts found on people's machines. Below are a few examples of how to change the font type:


<font face="Times New Roman">This text is Times New Roman</font>


This text is Times New Roman


<font face="Verdana">This text is Verdana</font>


This text is Verdana


<font face="Arial">This text is Arial</font>


This text is Arial

It is a good rule to define at least three fonts with in the "face" attribute. This allows more of a chance for the user to have one of the fonts installed on their computer. Here is how you would define more then one font:


<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif">This is how you define more then one font.</font>


This is how you define more then one font.

So what does the above example do? Basically, when the user's browser reads the page, it checks the user's computer for the Verdana font. If the browser finds Verdana, then the text will be displayed as the Verdana type face. If it doesn't find the Verdana font, it will then look for Arial. If it finds Arial, the text will be displayed in Arial but if it doesn't find it, it will then search for Helvetica on the user's computer. Again, if the browser finds Helvetica, then the text will be displayed in Helvetica. If not, the browser then looks for Sans-Serif. If the browser doesn't detect any of the fonts that are listed, it will then display the text as the default font face which is usually Times New Roman.

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Font Styles
Now I will discuss some ways to apply styles to your fonts. The three most used styles are Bold, Italic and Underline. Each of these has an opening tag and a closing tag. The tags for each of these styles are:

Bold <b>This text is bold.</b> This text is bold.
Italic <i>This text is italicized</i> This text is italicized
Underline <u>This text is underlined</u> This text is underlined

Some other styles that are used but that are less common are:

Strikethrough <s>This text has the style of Strikethrough</s> This text has the style of Strikethrough
Emphasis <em>This text has the style of Emphasis</em> This text has the style of Emphasis
Strong <strong>This text has the style of Strong</strong> This text has the style of Strong
Code <code>This text has the style of Code</code> This text has the style of Code
Citation <cite>This text has the Citation style</cite> This text has the Citation style

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Font Sizes
Next we will look at the font sizes. To define a font size you would use the <font> tag and the size attribute. Here are a few examples:


<font size="2">This font is set to size 2</font>


This font is set to size 2


<font size="-2">This font's size is -2</font>


This font's size is -2


<font size="+1">This font's size is +1</font>


This font's size is +1

There is also another way to define the size of your fonts but this method is generally used for headings to your pages and paragraphs. The tag used for this is the header tag. There are six different sizes to choose from: <h1> - <h6>. As with most tags, the header tag also has a closing tag. Below are examples of the six different headers.

Heading 1 <h1>Heading 1</h1>

Heading 1

Heading 2 <h2>Heading 2</h2>

Heading 2

Heading 3 <h3>Heading 3</h3>

Heading 3

Heading 4 <h4>Heading 4</h4>

Heading 4

Heading 5 <h5>Heading 5</h5>
Heading 5
Heading 6 <h6>Heading 6</h6>
Heading 6

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Font Colors
We will now look at how to apply different colors to your text. To do this, we will need to use the <font> tag. The color attribute as well as a color name or #RRGGBB value will be what we use within the <font> tag to define our colors. Below are a few examples on how we would apply a color to our text.


<font color="teal">This text is teal</font>


This text is teal


<font color="#008080">This text is also teal</font>


This text is also teal

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It should be noted that you can use the face, size and color attributes all at the same time. You are also allowed to have what are called nested tags which are tags within tags. For an example, let's say that you want your font to be Verdana, size 2, maroon and bolded. Here is what your code would look like:


<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#990000"><b>This text is Verdana that is bold, white and has a size of 2</b></font>


This text is Verdana that is bold, maroon and has a size of 2