My Friend's Pages

Mint's page It's got her picture and some fun links. Her diet philosophy is "eat and sleep" and she can stay thin. I think I'll like following that kind of diet. Oh yeah she's got some Westlife and Ronan in there. Here's a picture of her.....Aibo!
Kik's page It's got cute graphics and a lot of links especially to paging service sites. That says a lot about her. She dreams of being a pager girl..... "152 what is your number?"
Jeab's Page It's mostly about herself. It's really CUTE( for lack of a more creative word). She thinks that this web best represents what she is like. poor thing, just fooling herself.
Poon's PageIt's a total mystery to me but from what I've seen it should be pretty colorful.
Art's page It's super graphic, all the time!
Ton's Page It's not what it seems
Q's Page This isn't the guy from the Bond films
Pu's Page This on should be cute
Grace's Page This is the head of the class
Nekz's Page Umm What can I say?The owner says it sucks but whose gonna believe that!
Pu' 's Page This is not , i repeat, This is not a typo.
other people to be added later
