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The Complete Coal Chamber Picture Section
*Always Updated *
(If you have anything to donate, Please do!!)


Kerry's Original Pictures

Kerry's Special Items

Magazine, etc. Pictures

Promo Pictures

Video Stills

WARNING: I am a fairly nice girlie I believe, but there is a reason why I am a "Shedevil". Now EVERYONE of these pictures are property of me... I took them with my own camera or I have purchased the magazine and scanned the pictures MYSELF! If something doesn't belong to me in here... the person who donated them is given credit! Everything on  this page BELONGS to "Kerry's Coal Chamber Castle".  

If you would like to use my pictures no problem EMAIL me and all I will ask is for a link or credit of some sort, but please EMAIL me first before using any pictures of mine! Some of these pictures were only given permission to be used on Kerry's Coal Chamber Castle!! I will know if you take any and I will not be happy if and when I do find out if you have decided to take my pix. So, please.. ask for permission. For those who do email me and ask.... I will sprinkle my Fairy Princess dust and love to them. If you decide to take without permission any of my pictures... I will find you ..... what happens after that will be our secert... GRRRRR!!
"Kerror the Terror"

* This does NOT include printing the picture out for your personal use. For example if you want to print the picture to hang in your locker or bedroom then go ahead. This warning goes for any public use such as: another website, publications, etc. *