Kerry's Coal Chamber Castle     |   home
If you have anything to donate to this site.. PLEASE do. If you would like to type articles/interviews up and send them to me through email.. I would appreciate it. It takes me forever to be able to type up everything, so any help is welcome. Also, if you would yourself pictured in our Coal Chamber fan gallery.. send me a picture with your name and email addy for others to contact you. If you met Coal Chamber.. have pictures (live and non-live) of Coal Chamber or would like to write about you experience or review the show.. please do and send it my way! Also, I am looking for Fan art.. if you drew anything dealing with Coal Chamber.. I would love to show your artistic ability off!! Anyways... what I am trying to say is... ANYTHING you want to donate from pictures to typing articles... is very much appreciated and you will get full credit. Thank you!

Also, if you have any suggestions or new ideas... well, ya know!

Email me: [email protected]
AIM Screen name: silverchamber

Please don't send anything that would harm my computer. Thank you. =O)