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I want to thank Coal Chamber for everything. Your music and kindness has meant the world to me. I have had a lot of great memories with yous and hope to have many more throughout the coming years. Yous rawk. Thank you Mike, Dez, Meegs, and Rayna. Kristyn - you are one of the kewlest people I have ever met ... you are so sweet , thanks for everything girl... Luv ya!  Joe - you are awesome.... you have a lot to be proud of =O)  Travis - Dozen doses is fablous... I can't wait to see them live. You rawk! Nadja - I give all my stuff "piggies" to you. CC crew (and some former crew) - Wedge, Jed, Paulie... you guys are crazy, but you made me laugh! Remember ASHTRAY!! The Fan Club for being awesome people and making it #2! The Crazy and lovable CC chatters... for which have became some of the funniest, sweetest, and great friends I met. "CC Chat Queen" LoL Everyone who has contributed to this site in ANY way!~! All the coal chamber fans/friends/webmasters or Mistresses that have visited this site. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU !!! Without any of you this site would not be here.... I love all of you ! I will never forget any of you... thank you so much...words will never explain my gratitude.
Love yas!
* Kerry *

To all of you I give my Princess "fairy dust"...  XOXOXO