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February 18, 2000
Review by: Cody

I saw The Deadlights, Full Devil Jacket, Coal Chamber, and Type O Negative in Kansas City, KS on February 18, 2000. May I just say, it was the coolest damn thing I've ever seen! At first it sucked, because tickets were being sold on as general admission, no seats, all floor. It didn't happen that way, we had tickets for the first balcony. The first balcony was only about six feet above the floor, so we would have just jumped the rail if security wasn't so thick. Since that wasn't going to work, we decided to bum ticket stubs off of kids on the floor, but they werebeing selfish (We planned on giving the stubs back once we were in). Feeling defeated, we went and sat in our seats, which weren't bad, but they weren't great either. The Deadlights were awesome. They put on a really good show, and I think I'm gonna buy their album. Anyway, once they were finished, we went to bum stubs again. Again, we had zero luck. We went back to our seats, feeling very violated, and I turned to my buddy Brian and said, "Man, I'm just gonna go downstairs again for the hell of it. When I got down there, I saw a kid standing by a trash can who looked really glum.We both had balcony seats and bitched about it to each other for a while.When we were finished, I looked up at the gate to the floor and made eye contact with one of the two security guards in front of it. I was just about to be on my merry way to my seat, when he stopped me and asked, "Hey man,what does your shirt say on it?" I walked over and let the guard see myshirt (which was totally lame, by the way. It said on it "Too many freaks,not enough circuses") and he thought it was the best shirt he had seen all night. He told me that it fit the place perfectly. Looking him in the face,I said (or rather pleaded) "I will give you $10 for a wristband" He told me he couldn't, and I told him I understood that he was just doing his job and started to walk away. Just then he called me back and said "Here man, it's free. Just don't get into any trouble, huh?" I told him that he was the coolest person I had ever met, and he told me that the wristband was for having the best shirt of the night. So now I was in, and I was loving it. Ididn't even know what to do. So I marched right up to the stage for Full Devil Jacket. They were alright, but they weren't as good as the other bands. Once they were done, it was time for CC. I was ready too, but first I had to gloat to my friends about my encounter with the security guard. My friend Brian made me help him get in. So I did, but I felt bad for it. Theguard pretty much got fed up when my third friend, Ian, tried to get in,too. Ian failed. That didn't phase me though. It was time for Coal Chamber.I worked my way back to the front of the crowd and got settled. The tech crew pulled up the white curtain and started to dim the lights. Before too long, we heard a loud noise and confetti shot everywhere! The next thing Isaw, was about a million goth kids jamming confetti in their pockets just like I was doing. It was already getting crazy. Then all the lights went outand we heard Dez. The first thing he said was "The roof, the roof, the roofis on fire...." then he stopped and everyone in the building sang the rest.Then the curtain dropped and there they were. CC played Sway, Oddity, NoHome, Feed My Dreams, Clock, I, First, Untrue, Tyler's Song, Pig, El Cu Cuy,Big Truck, and closed out with Loco. During their set, myself and Brian met the singer and the bass player for the Deadlights. They were really cool and said they would try to help us meet Coal Chamber. During the set, Dez totally worked the crowd. There was a point when he told the audience to go crazy, so me and Brian went totally insane and he pointed to us and said"That's right!" That just about made my night. When their set was over, I couldn't talk, I couldn't walk, and I couldn't breathe. I had just enough time to get a drink before Type O. I wasn't completely there during Type O, thanx to a major contact high, so I don't have a whole lot to say about TypeO, except that they are cool as hell. There was a point during their set that snow fell from the rafters. That was pretty bad ass. Oh, and Peter Steele is a stud horse. He gets ALL the ladies. Him and Meegs, anyway. The only bad part about the night, is that afterwards, I couldn't stay long enough to meet the bands. I'll be better prepared next time. I definitely recommend catching this tour if you can.

Sunday March 12, 2000
By: Maureen aka Moe

My sisters, Jeannine and Danielle, and I(Maureen) got to the Metropol at 5:30. It was packed already with a huge line of people waiting to see what was yet to be the best show ever. We waited a long hour before they opened the doors to let us in! We got inside and i ran on the balcony, which was farther away from the stage, but a very good view of the stage and anywhere you stand in the metropol you can see, it is very small!! Anyways, Danielle went to get the merchandise We both got two shirts and a sticker! I had all the rest of the merchandise. We waited and waited, the first band The Deadlights came on, they played well, they worked the crowd which i do like!! The next Band was Full Devil jacket who also played so well, and yet worked the crowd even more!
By the time Full devil Jacket were off, i knew who was coming on next and the 20 minute wait was forever!! Thats what it felt like!!! Anyways, When they came walking on the stage, i just started screaming and jumping up and down. I sat on the ledge of the balcony for a couple of minutes in to the first song ~Sway~ Singing away all the words, Meegs seemed like he seen me when stares in the air and stuff, well, i had to get down because the bartender flashed a light in my face like i did something wrong i was so mad but oh well, the best was yet to come!!!! I stood there while they played more of there songs and a new one from the Heavy Metal 2000 CD! The song list of the concert:
   ~First Album:~ Sway* Clock (i love that song live)* Oddity* Big Truck* Loco (the crowd went so mad when they did this song!!)* First*
   ~Second Album:~ El Cu Cuy* Tyler's Song* Not Living* Entwined* No Home* and Wishes(Heavy Metal 2000)

June 1st, 2000
Review by: Christopher

Well...I went to my first ever concert on June 1st....and I must say, it will be forever seared into my head. I have been a big Coal Chamber fan, since hearing "Loco" you couldn't imagine my anticipation to see a band like Coal Chamber here in Green Bay. Well it started at 8, with the Deadlights opening...they put on a pretty good show, but it wasn't as when Ultraspank came on, the whole place just got majorly juiced was awesome. (I just wanted to say, I didn't know what happened to Disturbed...bu Ultraspank filled in for them). Now, as I stood there...them setting up the stage for Coal Chamber..putting the cool lights and everything up there, I just couldn't wait..and then finally...all the lights cut out and Dez comes out...the place, literally blew up...the roof had to be blown off for sure...they started the set with "Sway"...I wasn't caring about how much time they were takin up...I wish it could of lasted all was the greatest show I have been too...They did an even number of songs from the first album, as well as from "Chamber Music". They ended the set with "Loco", by the time it was over...I still wish it hadn't...I must say I regret not staying after to get a chance to see them...However, I know I will see them again...cuz they put one of the greatest show's and I will always love em. COAL CHAMBER ROCKS!!