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Speak Out
"Speak Out" issues change when new ones surface.. If you have a idea for a new one.. email me!

We have a guest rant this month by Maryerin! Thankies!  

Stupidity should hurt. . .

I don't know why he approached me, this drunk philosopher. He was prepared to lecture me on my supposed ‘worthiness.’

“Why do you dress like that? To rebel?” He peers with matter of fact eyes, “You wouldn’t dress that way if you didn’t want attention.”

I look down at my black and white striped socks. . .“I dress this way because I want too,” I reply. “I’m just being myself.” I shrug.

He stutters something about Christmas trees and Jesus and how he’d fuck David Bowie before starting in on Coal Chamber.

“How can you like this band? They suck. Look at the way they dress.”

“If they suck, why did you pay $20 to see them?” I retort in my own matter of fact way.

“They brought me here.” He points a shaky finger at his friends who cower with that ‘I don’t know him’ look on their faces.

“Don’t knock Coal Chamber, they’re incredible,” I rebutt. . .

He is a persistant type, the kind that talks and talks but has no arguement whatsoever. The type that says youneed to know a secret handshake to like Tool, and because I am 19 years old I can’t fully appreciate Jane’s Addiction. . .

Isn’t this that way they all are? You know the ones. The people that have enough time on their hands to go to places or concerts that they hate and cause turmoil. All  of them are as headstrong as this drunken bastard with the one armed girlfriend, standing  outside a shabby little club in Cincinnati. These are the ones that set the standards of what is acceptable and what is not? They are the authority on who is worthy and who isn’t? They know what band has ‘sold out’ and which one hasn’t? I find it laughable. Not that Coal Chamber has to put up with this type of bullshit, but that the ones that are  calling them‘Rock Stars’ are more arrogant than Coal Chamber has ever been or will be.

They have this obnoxious way about them, these self proclaimed ‘omnipotent’ beings. They can tell you who Coal Chamber is copying and exactly how they sell out and how they were betrayed by this band that they once loved. Isn’t it a paradox? A hypocrisy? Who betrayed who? Because God forbid a band change. When I speak up about this issue and the importance of evolution in music and growth and change, I get an earful of insignificant opinions before being drawn into a competition on who knows more about what bands because THAT will decide who is right and who is wrong. Dancing circles around the issue at hand, that Coal Chamber have “sold out” and are “Rock Stars.” How so? What proof do they have of this? I have heard few reasons for Coal Chamber to have earned such titles. Most blame “Shock the Monkey” and CC’s discovery of Lip Service (excellent clothing line by the way) and call attempts to go mainstream an ultimate sacrilege. Personally, I don’t see how this constitutes ‘betrayal.’ How many other bands have released covers as singles at the Record Company’s bidding even when their own material was strong enough to fly on its own? (*cough*Orgy*cough*) What is this bullshit about copying Orgy that spewed from the lips of ex manager Sharon Osbourne? Calling Coal Chamber's new music crap. What a lovely ring leader for the ignorant, mudslinging, masses. Doesn’t that set off sirens? Interesting how things turn out when these types don’t get there own way. Like spoiled children that want everything their way when they want it or else there is
hell to pay.

The most frustrating part about these people is that they will never be convinced that they are wrong. How I would love to tell them all to go fuck themselves and tell it to someone who cares, which isn’t me, and then wash my hands of them. But I can’t. No one messes with Coal Chamber in front of my face and gets away with it. No matter how hard they try to defame Coal Chamber to me, I’m just as hard headed as them on the issue. After seeing CC eleven times in concert, my opinion of them is set in stone. I have seen what the band is like. I have been touched in some way by every song that they play. There is no arrogance or attitude, nothing beyond that of any other human being. Coal Chamber is not indebted to me or any other fan or supposed fan in ANY way. Nothing has been handed to Coal Chamber, they have earned everything. Coal Chamber deserves more for spending grueling months on the road for US. Touring is not glamorous and Coal Chamberdoesn’t have some infinite cash flow that these ‘know it alls’ claim they do. They have something though. Something priceless. A devotion to their fans. An incredible attitude. And a persistence that I hope will lead them to excellence in all their endeavors. No onecan take this from them.

. . . “My friend over there can play better than any member of Coal Chamber,” he stammers.

“Great. . .” I’m expecting him maybe to say ‘Nannie nannie boo boo’ or pull my hair. He continues on in his drunken stupor saying things that made even less sense than his argument about Coal Chamber. I think he lost all his credibility when he let me paint big circles of violet blush on his cheeks and then let my friend Jae drawn a line down the center of his face. He left us unchanged in his philosophies. Jae and me left shaking our heads with pity, because it hurts to see people spending so much time saying how something sucks instead of really looking at the important things and see that maybe this is something they can really like.

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