Kerry's Coal Chamber Castle     |   home

Why did I Started this page?

Well, it all started a few years ago.. When I first heard Coal Chamber. I fell in love with the band that has all brought us to this page. I knew I needed to hear more of this band and I was out on the prowl to find them and seek the geniuses behind the music.

It was hard to find info on a band that most people never heard of and it was even harder living across the US. Sometimes I wish I could have lived in LA to witness Coal Chamber's shows at the Roxy, but I am happy living near Philly (they play there a lot... no complains here!!)

So, any ways back to what my point is... luckily a local college radio station picked up Coal Chamber's music and decided to play it on heavy rotation in the wee early hours of the morning. Of course yours truly had to make her faithful request of Coal Chamber each nite/morning.

Finally, Feb. 1997 arrived and bringing the debut release of Coal Chamber. I had to go to several different music shops until I found it at a little record store. There was 2 copies and I snatched one of them up. I played it the second I got in my car and till this day I have a copy of it in my stereo. It was music that I was needing to hear.. something that would just emotionally hit me and believe me.. that is what it did.

One day several months later... I witnessed a legendary event. It happened at the E-Center in Camden, NJ on June 8th, 1997. Ozzfest blown into the venue with Coal Chamber riding in the wind along with it. They were the second band to play on the side stage and I was against the barricade watching the music unfold. I  remember looking behind me when the opening lyrics of "Sway" (The roof.. The roof...) started. All I saw was hundreds of people standing on the little cement section and hundreds more packed on the stairs leading in the lawn seats just watching and soaking in the power of Coal Chamber. It was a thrill. As I  watched the band go crazy will energy.... I knew they were the best band to ever perform on that stage.

After Coal Chamber's set.. I moved back off into the side ground area. That is when I saw a familiar face walking toward me.. it was Dez. I was in disbelief... all I could said was "Hi"... he said "Hi" back and said, "Weren't you up front ?" ... well, to make a long story short... we started talking and then I got to meet Miguel. Miguel ended up taking me backstage by telling the guard at the gate I was with him. I ended up hanging out with  the  incredible Bug, Miguel, Rayna, and Dez. I found what I was seeking. That was my first meeting with the band.

Well, now it is 2000 and  all my memories of Coal Chamber.. are some of my best experiences ever. They have given two fabulous albums to music history and I hope there is several more to come. I for one will always be here to support them.  They love and respect their fans and they play for the love of the music not for the money. They are what TRUE "rockstars" should be about. They are the future and I know with them... it is a bright road ahead. I knew that Coal Chamber were something special the first time I heard them and I am so happy that there is other people in this world that agree with me.

I  made this page, so I could express my love and gratitude to this amazing band and let them know how much they have touched people. I made it for other devoted fans to have a site where they can find info and up to date news and pictures. This Page is all about Coal Chamber and the day this page ever loses its purpose will be the day I take it down, but don't count of this page being down ever.

What more can I say? Coal Chamber is great and I am sure most of you reading this already know that and if you haven't had the chance to experience Coal Chamber live or through their music. well... I recommend you RUN to your local music store and purchase their albums and when they play in a town near you... get tix!  I promise you won't regret it.

I hope you enjoy the page.. I have put a lot of time and effort into it and it has been well worth it.
Remember nothing is ever the end... it is always the beginning.
