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Fan Experiences
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Maureen  aka  Moe  Experience!
(webmistress of Meegs My Mercy Site... look in my links)

My sisters and I left after Loco, we wanted to see if they came out and stuff. So they sang another song but i caould not here what it was outside and Mikey came out first and ran into the bus and Meegs came out and ran into the bus! We waited over in an hour and My ride came, My brother in law and another sister, We waited!! Jeannine went into the car and waited for them to come out! it was freezing!!!!
Meegs was coming out and i ran from the front of the bus and said to him "Can i take a picture with you?" He smiled and was walking towards me and the guy that they were with told us down there. Meegs said and hand motioned me " come on down here." We walked and i said "Hey, Meegs" he answered with a "yeah" and i walked with him and we talked about my webpage i said " i have the most popular website on you " he thought i was talking about the whole band i think! i said " do you go on the internet?" he answered "ahhhh-sometimes, not really"!But he was like "what it is about,again?" I said to him "It is all about you!" he gave me this big smile and said "aww, thanks!" well, people were shoving there things to be signed in his face and they moved and i lost meegs!
Mikey cam out and was holding one of his dogs i asked "mikey what one is that?" he said "Its keroppi" i said " she is so cute" he said "thanks" i petted keroppi and walked away while my sister, danielle talked to him and had him sign the first album sleeve thingy. I took danielles and mikeys pic together and walked towards meegs again only to find my other kelly(my ride) was there holding danielles camera. she was going to take my picture! I worked my way to meegs and he signed the loco single sleeve and chamber music sleeve, i told him we had to take a pic and he said of course! we went to go take a pic and before we did i asked if i can have a hug and kiss and he said "sure" he kissed and hugged me tight and we took our pic and hugged again i said "i just love you and your band, you are the best" he said "aww thanks" I had to leave. so i left and all i have to say is that it was the best night of life and everybody told my time to meet coal chamber will come and it did!!! if you have a chance to see them in concert, I suggest you go!!!

NevermorEsix66  Experience
It was the Dope/slipknot/coal chamber tour of '99'slipknot had finished their last song"scissors", I then waited eagerly ,and finally the lights went out, the song "this is halloween" started up, I lauhged to myself, "I thought it was so cool they did that. Then the song was broken by Meegs hypnotic guitar riff of ~LOCO~, at this point I almost fainted out of excitement and emotion then the hard part kicked in and the place turned upside down, the pit was chaotic. I had been taking pictures through the entire set and was totaly bedasseled by their replacement bassist, Nadja she was head banging and jumpin' around, Dez was fuckin' awsome and Meegs was on the speaker stand once or twice hyping the crowed. They had this thing with the green lights, they glared up at them at the slow hypnotic parts and they just stood there in a evil daze singing and playing, that extra touch totally fit the spooky core performance. At the end of the show Coal chamber ended with sway, while confettie fell from the ceiling ( I've always wanted to go to a concert that would do that) and left the stage with mist playing. I went home very pleased knowing that that was the best concert I've ever attended.