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"Don't be afraid to stare in the face of adversity and crush the opposition. Don't be afraid to defy in order to define or propogate positive thoughts. Don't let anyone tell you you can't. Don't be afraid to dress different. Don't be afraid of people who are different. Don't not be afraid of the norm. Don't be afraid to fly your freak flag. Don't be afraid to be kind and helpful yet reserved and cautious in the face of humanity. Don't be afraid to lead or get noticed. Don't be afraid to say something positive when you do. Don't be afraid to have an inspiration or be an inspiration. Don't be afraid to realize one hand washes the other. Don't be afraid to crush those thoughts that would get in the way of your positive vision. Don't be afraid to believe in karma, fate, or destiny. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't be afraid to finish what you start"

"Oh my God. What don't I have tattooed? "

"My Coal Chamber, and my two pumpkins, and the peanut on my neck. My mum named me peanut cause I was in an incubator for like 5 or 6 months of my life. A little premature there.

"To hear my words. To turn everything negative, into something positive. "

"No. But if you want then classify me as rock n' roll. Cause that's the only other term that the other bands have shunned away from, forever. We wanted to put on leather, and studded bracelets and go out there and rock. "

"Don't be afraid to be different."


"Does Meegs get the ladies?-Yeah Yeah-Does Meegs drive Mercades?-No No."

"People ask, "Are you Miguel's boyfriend?" and I say yes every time."

"Yeah, I think it is. We're a live band. We're not a MTV or a radioband. If you want to know Coal Chamber I think you'll have to see a live show. Most of the time I still enjoy playing live very much. When you're far away from home it can feel like a job sometimes, but it's been fun on this tour. Some tours suck, it's boring to do the same thing every day but this tour has been fun."

"I know! I thought I was big, but he's Goliath."

"I'd f**k him. I'd go down under! But he needs to eat more, cos if I f**k him I'll break him."

"I'd be a chinchilla, because they're pretty lazy, but they're cute, and the girls like 'em."


"I had to pee like 10 times [before we went on stage]. They're like "Where are you going?" and I'm like, "I gotta pee," and they're like, "Hurry up, the intro's on."

"You know what I don't give it a second look we used to live together its like my family  we all lived off of Melrose for awhile when we first got signed we all lived with Dez so they're like big brothers."

"I think it's a little absurd, people who blame [violence] on rock music. It's pretty pathetic. They're just looking for a scapegoat. I think they need to look a little deeper inside. "


"Teacher's pet. I was a fucking little nerd, that's for sure. Have you seen 'Revenge Of The Nerds'? That was me. I had glasses with tape in the middle and I was chubby and shorter than the girls. I was really stupid-looking back then! I haven't improved much since, but I've still got the glasses."

"I've had so many fucking horrible jobs, I can't even think of just one. Maybe when I worked at a Starbucks Coffee store. People were so bitchy and tweaked on caffeine, and the pay was shit."

"I've heard a bunch of them but I think the best one was that Mikey and I were boyfriends. Just to fuck with people, I don't deny it sometimes! But I've had more than one person say they'd read that on the Internet."