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You are entering the wonderful Elvis site of
Mister X

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     I receive neither money from Graceland nor from anybody to maintain this site. This is just a tribute of a fan.
I present Elvis from a positive point of view, even treating of his imperfections, only with his best photos.
Copyright 2003

By Maestro Ney

  Hello Priscilla and Lisa Presley !  I hope you like my site.

Elvis The Pelvis

1) Some people think he was addicted to drugs like cocayne or LSD.

This it is not true.
He  just used to take drugstore medicines to sleep, to wake up, anti-helminthics (anti-depressivos), to make thin (emagrecer). (From the book of Priscilla Presley, his wife, "Elvis and me"; the brazilian magazine "The Pelvis"; Sonia Abrão at his tv program at SBT).
(Unhappily the word "drug" referes both to drugstore medicines and stupefyings)(estupefacientes).

2) Some people think he died by diseases. Other people think he committed suicide.

This it is also not true.
Elvis was fat but not sick when he died. He was planning to make a tour show. The day of his death,  at 4:00  he begun to play rickety (raquetebol); then played piano and singered for friends till 6:00; then read a book till 8:00. 
A sick man can't  do all these things. 

He did all these things full of joy.
A happy man commits not suicide.
It happened just an accident of medicines to sleep overdosis.  He entrusted overmore in his growing resistance to heavy medicines.
(From the brazilian magazine "The Pelvis").

Read details about his medicines at Page 9

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RELIGION= CHRISTIAN ( ASSEMBLY OF GOD)  -  He spent his last years living reclusively at his Memphis home, known as Graceland. Born January 8, 1935, East Tupelo, Mississippi, Presley was the son of Gladys and Vernon Presley, a sewing machine operator and a truck driver. Elvis learned with his father to be also a truck driver. Presley's twin brotherjessie.jpg (3441 bytes) Jesse Garon was stillborn, and he grew up as an only child. At age three, Vernon was sent to prison for forgery (estelionato, 171). It seems that Vernon, Travis Smith, and Luther Gable changed the amount of a check from Version's boss from $3 to $8 and cashed it at a local bank.Vernon pled guilty and was sentenced to three years at Parchment Farms Penitentiary. Vernon's boss, Mr. Bass calls in a note that Vernon signed to borrow money to build the house. Gladys is forced to move in with Vernon's parents. Vernon would only serve eight months. Afterward Vernon's employment was spotty and the family lived just above the poverty line. The Presleys attended the First Assembly of God Church whose Pentecostal services always included singing.      John Lennon once said, "Before Elvis, there was nothing. He was, and remains, the King".


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Elvis Presley was the first real rock & roll star.
A white southerner who singing blues laced with country and country tinged with gospel, Presley brought together music from both sides of the color line. Presley performed this music with a natural hip swiveling sexuality that made him a teen idol and a role model for generations of cool rebels. Presley was repeatedly dismissed as vulgar, incompetent and a bad influence. However the force of his music and image signaled to the mainstream culture it was time for a change.


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                 From the movies "Harum scarum". ("Hollydays in a harem" in portuguese)

This is index

Elvis screensaver
The screensaver is divided in 2 parts because Fortunecity
(my Internet host) allows not more than 1 MB, due to warez cautions.
The entire unpacked screensaver has 1,8 MB.
Below you must download the 2 parts, unpack with WinZip and click in "WinSplit" to join (unir) the 2 parts in one again,
that is the screensaver. Copy and paste it to the Windows folder, click twice in Elvis screensaver, go to Control Panel\ Video Properties and assign the screensaver. That's all.
If you liked my screensaver emailme=
Magician Ney   [email protected]

Click the following link to download the part 1 (400k) =
Click here to download

Click the following link to download the part 2 (700k) =

Click here to download i


[ NEW! ] ELVIS set of 8 NEWER Postcards * MINT * [ PHOTO! ] $7.50 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT
[ NEW! ] ELVIS! STILL ROCKIN 20 YEAR POSTCARD [ PHOTO! ] $3.75 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT
[ NEW! ] ELVIS 50's MASTERS CD BOOKLET [ PHOTO! ] $15.00 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT
[ NEW! ] Rusty Wallace Elvis Miller Lite Ford Taurus [ PHOTO! ] $19.95 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT
[ NEW! ] Elvis CHU-BOP Title: Elvis #45 [ PHOTO! ] $3.99 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT
[ NEW! ] Elvis Presley 1958 "WIND" Radio chart [ PHOTO! ] $9.95 0 Bids 09/16/06 07:53 PT

Mister X
Is also a singer and he have a CD project (not launched yet) covering Elvis (CD), an CD amazing better than the Elvis' records. Don't you believe? So check this comparation demo mp3 zipped=
comparation demo  
His wonder is Mister X isn't a try of copy= He improves Elvis, mainly Elvis poor recording techniques!
Click the following link to hear him singing a bit of "Yesterday"live (poor technical quality, home recorded, but the voice is good)= Yesterday

smile.jpg (10777 bytes)ENQUETE (contest)= Quem é o maior= Elvis ou Sinatra?   (Who is greater= Elvis or Sinatra? Elvis, say the most)

Frank Sinatra foi um dos maiores intérpretes da história, porém ELVIS foi O REI, imbatível em todos os sentidos, e só como prova, até hoje ninguém vendeu mais discos que ele (ainda é o n° 1)com quase 2 bilhões de cópias no mundo (seguido pelos Beatles e Rolling Stones), foi tbém, de longe, a celebridade + fotografada de todos os tempos, é e sempre será o maior, o melhor, O REI!!!      Sem dúvida Elvis e o maior, é só ver quantos fazem imitações de Elvis e quantos do Sinatra.     Luís Sérgio dos Santos Carvalho | [email protected] | http://terra

Apesar de possuir dezenas e dezenas de discos dos dois atualmente, Elvis continua fa zendo sucesso mesmo morto, que no caso de Sinatra, com a morte dele, diminuiu a procura pelos seus discos e objetos. Podem conferir.
J Luiz | [email protected] |

Claro que é o ELVIS! Não que eu seja fanática por ele. Mas, sinceramente, não dá nem para comparar. O Sinatra tem um grupo seleto de fãs, mas não universal qto elvis, nem abrangente.  maria antonia | [email protected] |
Sem dúvida nenhuma, sem questionamento, nao existe outro, nao existirá, nunca ,jamais. Elvis único, a formula dele foi jogada fora. Elvis the best. Elisabete | [email protected] |
O meu maior idolo de todos os tempos...Elvis Presley!! Foi ele que inventou o rock\'n roll e foi o maior cantor da hstoria.  Elvis forever.      Bruna | [email protected] |
Claro que é o Elvis. No início da carreira as fãs do Sinatra eram pagas para fingir que desmaiavam e gritavam. Teve que estudar pra cachorro para cantar. Já Elvis nasceu com o dom e com a estrela. Ele foi o ápice que qualquer artista gostaria de atingir.    Felipe | [email protected] |




Almost the girls teared up the pants of ELVIS AT A CONCERT IN 1956 IN GEORGIA !!!!
See this photo sequence=

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He approached the crazy girls and them PULLED HIM to middle of them and the point turned a confuse hurricane.........The police saved he, he went to his dressing room to change dress, and THE GOOD HEARTED ELVIS  THROWed WHAT WAS LEFT OF HIS PANTS INTO THE CROWD !!! THIS IS ELVIS !!!

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