Evans Web Page

Welcome to my page where I shall link you to my friends pages !!
And since alot of them don't have pages , i guess i will just list them so they feel special as they are =)

Obscured Utopia Of Music - Trevor Smiths Music Page
Kelly's Page - Homepage of my friend Kelly Marsh

Some people on the other hand don't have pages , but pictures instead so i will put their pictures on here .
There are a few people with both pictures and pages , and u can goto their page by clicking on their picture if a hand appears on the picture .


C.C. Larke


I will list here names of people that are without pictures or web pages , but deserve recognition as my friends of the internet , and if and when they get either pictures or pages , will be added to the respective category *S*
Real names are in parenthese ( ) *S*

Shona - ICQ buddy , and a good friend in real life , really short too *L* ( Shona )
Yukon - Best friend from way back when big wheels were still cool ( Trevor )
JohnnyBoy - Buddy from work , at Ottawa U . A call out to Shia here ( John )
Rock - A good friend both on icq and in real life , ( John )
The Kid - New Buddy from University ( Cory )
~Draven~ - Buddy from South Dakota , always cool ( Dominique )
Jane - Buddy from out west or some place ( Jane )

Email: [email protected]
ICQ: 3639238