Picture Gallery

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Cambridgeshire County Youth Orchestra

CCYO performing in Cambridge after the 1999 Hungary tour (36k)
A candlelit dinner cruise down the Danube for the orchestra (71k)
The CCYO percussion section learn the cymbalom in Budapest (64k)
The percussion boys have some time to kill after the cymbalom workshop, so they rent a pedal-car for half an hour. Isn't it a lovely day? (86k)
...it was fun until the axle snapped. And it started raining. A lot. (84k)
The United Reformed Church in Debrecen
Ed has never seen a river this big before... (29k)
Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, where CCYO stayed for four days (57k)
The view from the Great Hall at the university, where we rehearsed and played a concert (32k)