7 songs / 20 minutes
Surf Me Up, Scotty!, or let's rather use their acronym SMUS have been haunting the
Luxemburgian underground scene for quite some time, although until now they only
released a split-7"-EP with the late Gauged, whose ex-bassist has been recording
this first CD with the band. 'Music To Get Wiped Out By' is 100%-SMUS, which means
that they haven't changed their style a bit. You still get early-60ies sounding
surf sounds with a touch of garage, and the whole thing without vocals of course.
SMUS are technically speaking not brilliant, but they are one of the most charming
bands from this tiny country. The rhythms are very simple but always dancing, the
guitar has a hauntingly hollow sound, and the spooky keyboards set you back to trashy
era where people still got scared by trashy B-movies featuring cardboard monsters.
The Mini-CD contains 3 own songs and 3 coverversion: 'Jet Stream' by the Breakers,
'The Munsters' from the famous TV-show and finally 'Mr Moto' by the Belairs. The latter
songs comes also in a space mix at the end of the CD. The artwork fits perfectly the
atmosphere of the CD, so if you want something really cool sounding, you better contact
the following address: Backwash Records, c/o Dan Luciani, L-4130 Esch/Alzette, Luxemburg (Europe). PS: You can also download their song 'Mr Moto' at the DisAgreement page at MP3.com |