Sammy's Weather Machine

Sammy'sWeather Machine

Just a quick note about the temperatures. Our winter temperatures get down to an average of about 20 degrees celcius. The weather machine refers to this as "Warm". We consider it slightly above freezing!!!

Across Curriculum

Recording, interpreting data, and creating reports are important skills across the curriculum.

* Use a large chart to record the daily weather for a month. At the end of the month, create a graph (we find columns are easy to read, especially when we use symbols) and a then prepare a short summary of the month's weather to share with others, e.g. other classes, parents or the school newsletter.

* Keep the above data and repeat the exercise later in the year - compare the weather in different seasons.


* Try to duplicate the weather outside. Use a real thermometer, make a wind sock, and observe the skies. (If you have e-mail access, you may like to try asking about the weather in other areas/countries and duplicating them - haven't tried this one yet, but please let me know if you have some success.)

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