Sloan Biography

The Band's name derived from a nickname of a friend called Jason Larson who is on the cover of the "Peppermint EP". The first Sloan recording was for the song "Underwhelmed" during December 1991. In the summer of '92, the "Peppermint EP" was out, which was later a winner at the 1992 East Coast Music Awards. DGC records offered the band a record contract as soon as possible, since they thought that Sloan would be follow Nirvana's footsteps and become the "next best thing". The fact that the company wanted to keep up with the garage trend going on at the time would probably be the best reason why. (You will notice this if you listen to Sloan's "Take it In".) When the album "One Chord to Another" came out in stores most realized that the record label had changed to MurderRecords, Sloan's own independant Halifax-based company. The reason for that was because DGC records showed absolutely no interest with their new material because it sounded nothing like the grunge-type of music they had in mind. They figured the album would not be popular and their "new Nirvana-type band" dreams were over. As was Sloan's contract with the company. Did you know that during the making of the album "Independance", all four members of the band never met in the same studio? Anyways, it went Gold in less than six months! They won a Juno Award in 1996! This was a great moment for the band of course, including their name since it was being heard in the media more than ever! The fourth album was Navy Blues, one of my most favourite. When the group was deciding on making this record, they distributed the work evenly so that everything was fair. Everyone contributed a song, making this record very unique as well.
Here's another bit of infomation I thought was quite interesting. Sloan's Live album - Four Nights at the Palais Royale was actually recorded in a studio. (There were synthetic crowd noises in the background.)