February Chapter Index
Oy, gotta have a disclaimer, don't I? Err... I don't know any of these people, none of my relatives know them, and none of my aunt's boyfriend's cousin's friend's old college roomate's mother's friend's know them. The people are fake, except for the obvious. They all came out of my twisted little mind. This shit isn't happening, it never has happened, and I'll be damned if it ever does happen.
I know that chapter two seems a lot like part of The Zodiac Line; I'm really sorry about that! (A few of the names, too...) I don't mean to plagiarize, but the story just kinda happened that way. My intellectual level just isn't at it's best at three in the morning.
I promise that I have run this thing through the spelling and grammar check, so there most likely won't be many mistakes. If there are any, though, please mail me!
One more thing: it takes me a while to post each chapter, because I royally suck ass at HTML.
Part OnePart Two added 7/17/99
Part Three Woo hoo! added 7/21/99 (at one in the morning, I might add)
Part Four *Not up yet*
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