Demonic Tongue History
The band started in 1996. The first name that they had was "Those People" The band wrote about two songs. ("Fire" by Ebling and "That Song" by Bostian/Leataud/Irvine.) Irvine left the band due to am unscheduled move out of the state. The band broke up over the summer of 1996 and that winter they got back together as Death and the Reapers. That worked out for awhile but the name game got flipped around, until they landed on "Doomsday Projec" they aventually lost Leataud and went on writing songs as Bostian and Ebling. In 1998 they recruited Dan Loreman as vocals, and moved Ebling to lead. Bostian took the drums. Andrusis joined as a fill in and got stuck with Bass for awhile. The band is still etchy about keeping Andrusis due to some fire between him and Ebling. The band kept it low until they changed there name to "White Rebel" when Andrusis became the front man. That name lasted for about 2 weeks, before Bostian and Ebling had the idea for "Demonic Tongue".
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