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    Microchip off the old block party

    Posted by Noah 23 on 2/19/2000, 3:31 pm

    the consensual hallucination of telecommunication
    is an extra terrestrial permutation
    tunneling at both ends of the ether and severing ties
    while the meccanized dragonflies galvinize the satori
    out of sight out of mind diatribal descipline
    my arrival from the quagmyre is alkaline omniscent
    reinchantment with the forbidden
    the door to my metaphor is hidden
    in a record store where the floor is a checker board forever more the mortician
    who snorts alien crystal with rapidly evolving
    geometric entities
    everyones a sceptic of the epic telepathy
    epidemic trajectory infinite jest manifest destiny
    reciprocal sentient gadfly curmudgened theorems and neon strategems
    unfathomable abyss of chaotic creation residing
    on the fringe of exotic condensation
    unrational pistacio the patio lantern
    spitting jutting patterns at the national anthem
    smashingly handsome
    random positive synergy fields coordinate
    the orbit of silicon based life forms from the near future spear through the bermuda triangle
    galileo k hole arachnid
    trapazoid hexagonal metroplexiglass
    solar windmill
    lex discus this dyslexic cascade moment and chill
    grading on your nerve lengths
    the learning curve takes an alternate route
    reboot the beatlejuice sweet tooth
    and flood out the drout

    ANTI MATTER for the marrionettes


May you live in Kaotic times.

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