Ian Brown 'My Star' (Polydor)

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You can just about hear the rumbling.� Like the giant cogs at the centre of the earth slowly grinding back into action. Like a creature of the deep, presumed extinct, waking from hibernation with a bone shattering roar to stalk its territory and breath fear into the life of its peers once more. Like the army of pop-gone-by marching on Fortress Britpop with bloody intentions.

Ian Brown, everyone's favourite cheeky monkey, is back to show us how it's done and he's taking no prisoners. The 'least musical one', 'the lucky one', 'the one with the crap voice'. The surprise is that he has actually come back with a decent single! The hushed build up in his voice, the gentle rolling intensity of the music brings memories flooding back of why you adored him in the first place all those years ago.

My Star cover(11733 bytes)

He may not have calculated his comeback with quite as much finnesse as former colleague John Squire, but when his music is so hypnotic, why bother. We can almost forgive him for the droning shambles of Reading '96.

James Berry.