1. Cussing is not needed on this list. If it gets out of hand you will be removed.
2. Attachments to letters are acceptable but as in everything if it gets out of hand it will go. Only small pics are acceptable. It takes too long to download big items.
3. If you do not like All-4-One or any group similar (Boyz II Menish groups) you don't need to be on this list. Please don't waste your time and our time if you don't like them.
4. Please discuss!!! This isn't a mailing list for you to wait for upcoming events and such. Its for talking about the group. To post email: [email protected].
5. This mailing list is not to be used for personal discussion. it's not for communicating with one person in a personal matter. It is to be used for discussing All-4-One.
6. There is to be no Chainletters posted on the list. Please break the chain and not send it to the All-4-One Fan Mailing list.
7. Just use common sense!!! If you have a problem with any of the rules or have a rule you would like me to add email me at: [email protected]