HEY hun I had to include the one guy that knows more about where I came from than me (Ó Dúill ALL the way) well Cían is the coolest; always there for those meaning of life middle of the night BS talks that make you understand life in a whole new light ( yeah ya know the ones) Well this guy can shape the BS so that even at 5 in the morning it makes sense (first I have met that ever could pull it off) I jus wanted to say thanx and to not leave out my favorite late night talker. I wouldn't be where I am today (basically in that preverbal hole we call HELL) If it wasn't for him I'd probably be worse. TANX and it that really how it works? (the jealous because of learning from life stuff) *hUgS*
''Times I have the most to say are the times when I can't talk.......'' -Nada Surf
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."- Peter F. Drucker