I Ain't gots no pic For Jared that I can find =(

(AKA Nietlife and a few others)

hey NOW this is a guy I can joke with. Jared and I got some serious personality goin on and hey he actually laughs at my jokes (now that's a rare customer) Jared is always there for me. Although he may not know it I love hearing his accounts of BAD days (makes me feel better =) He is always here to tell me I am full of shit and that I need to get off the net and have a REAL life (what's that???). *hUgS* hun stay a §/\/\@rT@§§ (who else could we have AOL night and ARSE time wit) geesh for a while everyone has just coped out on me COME BACK!!!!

''Times I have the most to say are the times when I can't talk.......'' -Nada Surf


"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."- Peter F. Drucker