(aka ^TurBUlanCE^)

AWW man what can I say about my hun? Justin is sooo kewl and another one of the smarties that make melook lik an idiot but thats ok cuz i still got love for ya. Justin is like the software and scripting king =) he helpes me out soo much and has the sexiest deep voice i have ever heard. *although he HATES it* stop covering it up! If only I could get him to talk right hehe. Justing your a stud and i duno where i would be witout ya. you help me in a lot of ways and just are a really good friend. hey do you speak GAELIC? cuz Andie does =P wellps hun I hope i never lose ya =0 *hugs n Kisses*

''Times I have the most to say are the times when I can't talk.......'' -Nada Surf


"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."- Peter F. Drucker

Better sigh this!