OK well I WROTE THIS ONCE! but it didn't save SOOO It looks like I get to think up more good stuff about u troy (like thats hard) NEWAYS YOUR FINALLY ADdED! SEEE!!!! for Starters Troy is just damn HOTT! although I would win and wrestling matches *wink* Naw hez been there for me whenever I needed advice, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a idiot to laugh at =) (j/kz) Hez One of the most caring, and sweet friend i've had the privelage of not having to see every day hehe kiddin I luv ya huni! U stay yourself, and I MISS U!!! *huggs* Sawa
''Times I have the most to say are the times when I can't talk.......'' -Nada Surf
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."- Peter F. Drucker