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Greyskull Tales

How many times have you wondered why heros, such as Batman or Superman, appear in numerous cartoons on tv, while He-Man and She-Ra were only shown in their own cartoons, which are now cancelled? Why aren't He-Man and She-Ra starring in new cartoons?

Well, here is something you might like to hear. There is a new cartoon series that is being planned, but there are no guarantees that it will be created. Greyskull Tales is the name of the all-new, hard-hitting animated series that is supposed to tie together all the loose-ends of the Masters of The Universe storyline.  Supposedly written in a much more serious and adult-orientated animated style, the series is supposed to take place 6 months after He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.  The series is also supposed to include characters from She-Ra Princess of Power. In terms of the animation, Greyskull Tales will use original Filmation templates to utilize more modern CGI (Computer Generated Imaging). The makers of Greyskull Tales also hope to contact the original voice actors from the two eighties cartoons, hoping for them to voice the characters in the new series.

In terms of what characters will be on Greyskull Tales, all that is known for now is that the series will include Prince Adam/He-Man, Princess Adora/She-Ra, Teela, Orko, the Sorceress of Greyskull,  the Sorcerer of Greyskull (the Sorceress has a new husband, and it is not Teela's father, who died defending Eternia), Skeletor, Evil Lynn, Hordak, Catra, and the Horde Troopers.

In 1983, 1984, and 1985, Mattel made fortunes in excess of 100, 250, and 400 million dollars respectively. With such a success, it is hoped that Mattel would agree to the production of Greyskull Tales. The screen-plays and artworks for the series were copyrighted and submitted to Mattel back in 1992.  However, due to  licensing problems, and the fact that Mattel had suffered a massive financial loss in 1990-1991 because of the horrible New Adventures of He-Man, the project has been put on hold.  Currently, not a single episode has been produced. 

For more information on Greyskull Tales, please go to the Greyskull Tales Homepage.

Disclaimer: Please note that no copyrights have been intentionally violated. All rights are reserved to the original owners and creators of both He-Man and She-Ra. This is just a site for fans of the two shows. If any copyrights have been violated, please contact me and I will attend to the matter immediately. Also, if you have any photos of He-Man or She-Ra, or anything else related to He-Man and She-Ra, please e-mail me. Thanks for visiting my He-Man and She-Ra site!


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