My favourite Linux command

cp                                  copy a file or multiple files
cd                                  change directory
mkdir                            make directory
pico <file>                    edit a file
mv                                 mv or rename a file or directory
rm                                  delete a file
rm -rf                            delete everything (either directory or files ) , same as deltree in dos, use with caution !!
<command> | more       pause display screen
ifconfig                          see the ip address of ourselves
vi <file>                         edit a file
aporpos <something>   find a command thta used to do <something> .
                                       Example apropos email will list u some program that has something to do with email
man <command>           Give you a manual about that command . Very useful !!
efax -d /dev/ttyS1         tell your modem in COM2 to answer the incoming fax
find / -name <file>         Find a file
mke2fs -c /dev/fd0        Format a diskette
dmesg | more                  see the kernel or computer booting up message