The Crews Trick Tips


The Ollie

#1. Place back foot on the back of the tail. Position your front foot just behind the front truck hardware.

#2. Pop the tail as hard as you can.

#3. A split second after you smack the tail slide the front foot fowards.

#4. Bend Knees as much as possible

#5. Land and ride away clean.

The Frontside Ollie

#1. Place feet in similar positions to the Ollie.

#2. Turn Shoulders the direction you want to turn.
(Goofy = Right
Natural = Left)

#3. bend down and perform an Ollie while turning the frontside direction.

#4. Ride away clean.

Helpful tip: If you cannot get the full 180 degrees land on your nose and rotate to complete the full 180.

The Kickflip

#1. place front foot to the side of your board.

#2. Smack tail like an Ollie and slide front foot off the side of the board.

#3. Jump

#4. Watch board flip and catch it after a full rotation.

#5. Ride away clean.

Helpful hints:
1. If you are a Chicken and think it will hit you in the shins wear shinpads
or stop skating (not).

2. For better pop place front foot nearer to middle of the board.

This Trick takes Practice to get 100% of the time. So Don't give up.

The Pop Shovit

#1 Place your feet in a similar position to the
ollie but put your toes on your back foot over the edge of your tail.

#2 Pop the tail.

#3 Scoop the board with your back foot
So the board spins 180� in the direction you want it to
(frontside or backside).

#4 Jump to where your board is going to land.

#5 Catch the board after the 180� rotation.

#6 Ride away clean.
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