--Thanks to Whodaman Inc. for bringing this to my attention--
TB: What's the biggest misconception people have about you?
Is this enough for you people now? Will you stop with this? You all who insist on making jokes about his weight....when are you gonna be happy? When you give him an eating disorder? The fact that he thinks twice when he puts something into his mouth is bad enough. We tried to ignore it....figured it would go away....hoped anyway. But he's SEEN it now....and you all should be ashamed of yourselves. So as we have done before....here's our stance on the issue.
You think it's not that big of a deal....that you can post it on your websites...because there are HOW many websites dedicated to the Boys? SURELY Nick Carter doesn't surf the net and he'd NEVER see that right? WRONG!
You stand with your friends at a movie and joke about the fact that Nick's butt has seemed to have grown lately....you think no one's listening right? WRONG!
How many times must you all be told to watch what you are saying....you never know who is listening.
For those of you who don't like Nick....pay attention, we'll speak slowly so you understand....KEEP...IT....TO....YOURSELF!!! Kevin is not exactly Mr. Popular on this site....but are the jokes only pointed to him? No....why? Because we have enough respect for the fans who DO like Kevin not to walk around spouting off about why we don't. If you don't like him...no one cares to read about it....And we may not like Kevin but the fact remains...he is one of our Boys. So no matter what he does....there's a respect for him there. (And for those of you saying we are defending Nick because he is the most popular and the favorite on this site....newsflash for you....Nick is not the majority on this site....AJ is.)
We all love them right? Love them so much you spent August 14th doin whatever it was you had to do to get tickets....and THIS is the way you repay that? What is that about?
Who are YOU to judge? Who made you the deciding factor in the decision??? For you to judge someone based on how they look you BETTER be supermodel of the century or you have NO PLACE to talk. And even then....ever seen a supermodel when she hasn't been worked on for 4 hours??? It's not a pretty sight. You all sit and watch the VMA's or the BMA's and the AMA's thinkin to yourself "Wow, he's kinda gained some weight...he should really watch what he eats more." only to turn to the Oreo bag next to you and chow down. And correct us if we're wrong...but isn't the reason we love them because of the way they SING...not the way they LOOK???? Cuz we got confused on that for a second....the way some of you talk...you'd think that might be different.
In case some of you missed it in that quote from Nick up top.....he thinks he has to change for us. He thinks to make us happy he has to be someone else. Now we don't know about you....but we'd much rather know the real Nick versus the one he created to make us happy.
If Nick is reading this....we take this time now to apologize....altho no joke about your weight has ever been posted on this site (nor will it ever be)...the fact that we may have contributed to you thinking you have to change for us is reason enough. On behalf of Ashley and myself, we don't wanna talk for everyone, we like you the way you are. Little do you know....you make us happy already.
Nick: It's not really a MISconception but people tend to judge me
just on my appearance. I get a lot of flak on things like weight and trivial things like that, sometimes I don't know what to do.
TB: Is it hard to ignore public opinion and just be yourself?
Nick: Not necessarily. But at the same time, I don't know whether I should be myself or should I do what the fans want me to do.
TB: Is there a big difference?
Nick: There's not really a big difference but there are small things that irk me when people say them. Like, I went out once and there were these girls talking about how fat I was. I was like, "wait a minute, just because I've got a stomach and I don't want to be like all those other boy bands and work out all the time..." That's not me. I don't try and do something in order to make people happy or in order to make them like me. And I guess it has worked because I haven't had to change myself.