About My Site.

Hi there! Thanx 4 visiting T.O. Style Music. I've created T.O. Freestyle Music to play and help promote songs by artists from Toronto and its surrounding regions, or by Canadian artists who's songs were produced in Toronto. And so why (I assume you would ask) would I create such a site??? First, I love Freestyle Music which is pretty obvious. Second, I'm from the surrounding region of Toronto as you would probably know if you had already read my bio on The Rogue's Hideout. So naturally, I of course would like to help promote the music of the many Freestyle Music artists and producers from my city. Toronto I feel has many talented artists and producers. Third, hey don't get me wrong. I love all kinds of Freestyle Music from various artists in the States and around the world, but managing a site for songs of various artists from a certain region is easier to manage then one for songs of various artists from around the world. Not mention, more motivating when you factor in the fact that I'm helping to represent my city and promote its Freestyle artists.

Here on my site, you'll find sample clips of songs of various artists such as Irene, Chris & Alexia Phillips, Vita, Tribe, VLA and many other Toronto based artists as well as Toronto-produced songs. As time goes by, I'll add more songs and artist & group sections to the site. I've also recently been adding bios of artists in the Artists And RealAudio Files section. Once again, thanx 4 visiting and enjoy the music! If you have any comments, leave em in the guestbook.

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Email me at

[email protected]

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