23:28 Tuesday 23rd March:
So you have decided to join in the fun of all this ass. Well today I`ve got a lot of time to do all sorts of things, so I`ll just let you all figure out which ones have been done, and which are a waste of time since you`ve already been there 50 times......
23:34 Wednesday 24th March:
So there you go, isn`t it odd when the only changes you do are to the page that declares them. Well anyway, I hope to finish off the next part of the history today, and maybe figure out a little more of this ever so funky DHTML, which your pages are even now sporting.......
Byski Bye
04:32 thursday 25th March
Yep I`m still here, and I`ve done a bit of image mapping for y`all. Isn`t that fun. Anyway, I`ve watched a film, been strange at someone, and am about to go home....enjoy.