What'll It Be...?
On to the next poem.
Don't you wish he like'd you,
just as much as you like him?
Don't you wish he'd come to you,
for any problems he has?
It is sad,
how the whole system works.
How is one to know,
what's on anothers mind?
But that's the way it is,
and has been forever.
Let's talk,
and ask eachother questions.
Let's listen,
i try to figure out what your thinking.
Frustration circles through my mind,
i wonder if I'm your 'kind'.
Maybe I'll just tell you,
what I want to do.
And you can tell me later,
your point of view.
This is the only person I want,
and I'm not quite sure why.
Maybe its because he's an
incredible guy.
Megan Braun'97
a.k.a.: ptz>
December 7, 1997
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