From Larry...

Message from Larry

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Hello, Thank you for your patience. I realize its
been since June that I've written you all. If I felt I
had to I guess I would apologize for taking so
long in getting another letter off but I feel its
safe to assume you all understand the
tendencies of time- it does tend to pass.

Working your way from the bottom up, you find
that you're always meeting wonderful people
along the way; people with support,
encouragement, suggestions and help.
It becomes awfully hard to let those people go
by without potentially enjoying what it is they
wish to share. I've had my hands full lately with loads
of rather exceptional opportunities and it takes time
to sort things out when every decision is basically
a career crossroads. Seems there's always something
on the horizon that could end up being the very tool
I need to improve my situation.
Trying out these "tools" has been the bulk of my workload.
It's all good work, just a lot of it.
I'm sure there are worse circumstances to be in.

To all of you that have purchased one or all
of my discs, I really want to say thank you. Your
support has allowed me to do some very
wonderful things over the past years.
Since the release of After All last November
and with the exceptional sales of
If We Only Have Love, and Let There Be Peace, I have been able
to do everything from travel to recording, from
investing in new equipment to supporting other
phenomenal artists. I have been making my
living with your support. Let alone
the fact that your continued interest in my work
has provided me with more than just fuel for the fire.
It has become the fire.

You all are the best. .
I wish I had more to share with you all as far
as the status of things is concerned but as I
mentioned before, the plate is pretty full and a bit
too unpredictable at this point. So with this I will say
thank you as much as ever.
Music is a door to the soul and a window to heaven.
Find your favorite place inside of you
and spend as much time as you can there,
keep listening and always offer your honest self.
I will do my best to continue doing the same.

With musical LOVE,