You are expected to adhere to all the rules and expectations for performance:
Students' grades are determined as follows:
To make an "A" you must:
Check for proper attire.
Monitor behavior:
Band members are not allowed drinks or snacks, other than water, before third-quarter break. If a student
has an emergency and needs to go to the restroom, they must be escorted by a chaperone.
If you, as a chaperone, must get something to eat or drink, notify one of the chaperones that you need to take
a ten-minute break.
All chaperones will be needed to help distribute water before the halftime show (usually after first quarter).
Chaperones are asked to check with workers in the concession stand to see if they can give a concession worker a break.
The concession stand gets very hot and it is hard to see the field from there. Please give the concession stand workers a chance
to cool off and watch their children perform.
When students are dismissed for their third-quarter break, please make sure they go down the side of the bleachers and not through the stadium seating
(stands). Some chaperones will be needed to mingle during the band's third-quarter break at the concession stand to keep a watchful eye.
It will also be necessary for a few chaperones to remain in the stands to keep watch on the instruments and Dancerette equipment. Band and Dancerette students
are not allowed in the stadium seats during their third-quarter break. If a student is found in the stadium seats, they are to be escorted out and back to the
roped-off area for the band.
After the game, chaperones check the roped-off area for the band (or check buses when traveling) for trash and articles that have been left behind
such as mouthpieces, band hats, etc. Help carry equipment back to the band room/bus.
Performance Standards
All students have a right to take "Band" as an elective at HHS, but not all band students make the final cut.
The HHS "Big Red" Marching Band is open to all
students, but there are certain requirements a student has to meet before s/he can call themselves
a member of the band. Being enrolled in band as an elective class does not automatically mean that you will be
a member of the performing organization.
Drum Major(s)
*Black socks must be completely black; no stripes, logos, etc. Socks and gloves can be purchased in the Uniform Room for $3.00 each.
Jewelry will not be worn with the uniform. Girls will not wear excessive make-up. Bandanas are not to be worn on heads or displayed on instruments
while performing in the stands or on the field.
All students have the opportunity to go on the band trip each year. The student must be in good standing, present for all rehearsals
and performances and meet the musicianship requirements for adjudicated performances. Students must perform each day in class with no
suspensions from school or the band program. Students will be expected to participate in all fund-raising activities which support the band program
and make monthly installments toward final payment for the trip.
Note: Academic progress is also evaluated. It is better for a student to remain at HHS if they are having academic problems.
Refunds will be given to students unless the deadline for refunds has passed. There are no refunds after the deadline. The deadline will be announced.
See the Big Red Band National Tour Page for a review of past band trips.
All non-graduating students are required to perform at Graduation. Buses are provided to and from the event. Students may support their graduating friends,
but are reminded to remain respectful.
To make a "B" you must:
To make a "C" you must:
To make a "D" you must:
Students' grades will be lowered for:
District marching festival, District concert festival, any other adjudicated event
* an excused absence includes illness, death of a family member, and unforeseen
emergencies. Students should submit a written excuse to the director within one school day of the
absence. Parents should notify the director ahead of time for any pre-arranged absences.
Children under twelve (12) years of age will not be allowed to accompany a chaperone and sit in the band area. They are to
be paid for as a student and will remain in the stadium seats accompanied by another adult as needed. Chaperones
are volunteering to protect and monitor band and Dancerette students only, not babysit other children. Only band members,
Dancerettes, and assigned chaperones may ride the bus to an away game.
The basic function of the chaperone is to protect our band and Dancerette members, not to discipline the students.
If a band member is doing something you know to be against Mr. Farmer's rules, inform the student.
If the student continues to break the rules, take their name and notify Mr. Farmer. If the student is doing
something you consider dangerous, notify Mr. Farmer immediately.
This site established August 5, 1997; updated October 12, 1999.
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