Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

A Purple Family Weekend in Switzerland


The Hughes / Turner Project in Pratteln, September 19th, 2002


Devil's Road - I Surrender -

Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll -

Death Alley Driver - 7th Star

Mistreated - Jealous Lover -

Stormbringer - Better Man -

King Of Dreams - Ride The

Storm - Spotlight Kid -

Highway Star - Burn

  So, finally the day had come when I was supposed to see Joe Lynn Turner live for the first time. I missed out on the Slaves and  Masters tour therefore he was the only Purple family member I had never seen.

I must admit I didn't expect too much since I never thought he was a great rock shouter, rather talented for ballads, but, to bring the bottom line up here already, I was very positively surprised.

The show was at the Z 7, a nice and traditional but rather small hall which has seen all the rock giants.  It does hold approx. 1000 people but that night only 350 - 400 showed up. But don't you think it was lame for that reason. They really rocked.


Their food and drink facilities were very nice. Two bars with very fast and friendly staff. Also, security was very relaxed. You never saw them unless needed. That's the way it should be. Only it surprised me that tin cans were allowed in there. They even sold them at the bar. In Germany I've seen security going wild over a beer can....

The evening started with  Blindfaith , a three-piece from Japan. Their guitarist has definitely something going for Yngwie which was very obvious in his style. I asked him later and he confirmed my impression. The bass player was pretty impressive too. Very energetic and technically highly talented. Plus he had a good stage presence.

The second band was  Domain  from Germany. Solid hand-made Hard Rock with as well heavy as melodic elements. They also had ballads in their repertoire. Very enjoyable. They really warmed up the crowd for

The Hughes / Turner Project. Whatever that was supposed to mean. I had no clue what to expect and I did, intentionally, not read any reviews from their tour. I wanted to be surprised without prejudices. As you can see from the setlist above it was a mix of new stuff, Rainbow goodies, one Sabb tune and some Purple numbers, of course. They started with a new tune but I can barely recall that one. I Surrender doesn't have to be explained. The next one (this tour was named after it) does not only remind you of Long Live Rock 'n' Roll because of the title, but also the song structure is very similar. And the song sticks in your ears, has almost hit quality. After Death Alley Driver Joe Lynn left the stage and Glenn did Seventh Star from his only Sabbath album. Next was what I would recall a highlight of the show. Glenn did Mistreated. I don't think he ever did that song on his solo tours, but anyway, he did it fantastic. As he seemed to be in great mood that night anyway. He sang it so beautifully, I believe David never sang it better than that. I had goose bumps all over.

After Jealous Lover came a big surprise: Joe Lynn returned *with a guitar*! I didn't even know he knew which side is up on this instrument! But he really *played* it, it was not just a fake. And there goes Stormbringer with two guitars. The next tune, Better Man, sounded to me a lot like a re-written version of Holy Man of the Stormbringer album. Whatever, here Joe was even playing a guitar solo! Glenn explained to us that he could always play the guitar, just Ritchie would never let him. Well, to me it was a new one. Then came what I never thought to ever hear live: King Of Dreams. What a treat.

The last two songs on the setlist above were the encore. For Burn we were all waiting and it was great, but what the heck does Highway Star have to do there? Neither one of them was involved in that one. Okay, still a better pick than Smoke.... but it left me a bit puzzled. Fire In The Basement for example would have done me better.

What's Ted's bottom line?

I really enjoyed the show. Glenn is as energetic as he's always been. Sometimes he seems to not know where to go with all that power. And he still has *the* voice. His range and power is unbelievable. Sure, Joe can't follow that but he did very well. Surprisingly well. And he is not as pigeon-toed on stage as I thought. I think I have to change my mind about him to the positive side. And J.J. does not try to be Ritchie, although he plays very well, but in his own style. And he sure got the Strat sound right.

God bless you all and enjoy the pictures. Ted Mechanic.




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