Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages


A preview on the upcoming Deep Purple CD "Bananas"

I've heard some very different opinions from reviewers on the "Bananas" CD so far. So I decided to give you mine too, which is also different.

It took the band quite a while after Abandon to come up with another studio CD. Therefore the expectations grew very high. For me too, I must admit. Would it be another milestone in Rock history ? Would it be top of the notch like the historical albums DPIR, MH or PS ? After all the waiting we expected something big like that. So, would the Bananas album be strong enough to be mentioned in one sentence with those ? Let's look at it:

House Of Pain is a pretty powerful opener. It could also work as an opener for the live shows. Although Steve is stealing from his own Take It Off The Top it's pretty fresh, heavy and moving forward with melodic and powerful vocals, a driving bass, cowbells and harmonica, even some screams, which we don't have too many of on this album and I must say I don't mind that fact at all. Overall it has to be stated that Gillan's work on Bananas is way more melodic than on Abandon. He actually sings on this one, and he sings beautifully. One of the very positive facts about Bananas.

The Sun Goes Down is pretty heavy with a still singing Gillan but that one doesn't do anything to me. Unlike other reviewers I consider this one the weakest. My wife likes it though.

Haunted, which has been slagged on from most of the reviewers so far, is a beautiful song in my opinion. It sticks in your ear and it has "radio play quality", and that's what the plan is. Get Purple a new and wider audience. Sure, it's very polished, maybe too soft, and I must admit I liked it better live without the background singers, but the avarage listeners will (hopefully) love it that way. I think it has a chance on the market and in the charts.

Razzle Dazzle I'm not sure about yet. First I didn't like it too much. The more I listen to it, the more I'm changing my mind. It 's not an outstanding song but it makes me move though.

Silver Tongue is, according to my wife, the strongest song. Amazing how different opinions can be... It has moments, especially when Steve kicks in with his licks but overall I find it average and boring. From a band with Purpe's musical abilities you expect more than one chord. It might work out live though 'cause it makes a good head-banger.

Walk On I like the best so far. Nice heavy blues with great harmonies and a beautiful job from Gillan. Not too typical Purple, but that doesn't matter at all. Very nice "un-Morsey" soli and also nice parts from Don. Just that stumbling at the end and the following noodling on the keys I don't get. Wish they had found a proper ending for the song. But it could become a classic.

Pictures Of Innocence. Falling back into Abandon habits. Can't find the message in this one. But it makes me swing. Besides that I can't really describe it.

I Got Your Number grooves. It had to grow on me through eight live performances and now a couple of listenings to the studio version. Again I think Steve is stealing from himself, especially in the slower sections. Don is on fire though. Nice guitar/organ trading and the chorus sticks in your ear and Paicey's time changes make it special.

Never A World What is that all about ? What is that thing doing on this CD? I don't know. Weird, very weird. Not a bad song though. Shows that Purple can also do stuff like their ex-banjo player, but was that neccessary ? Did we need that proof ? That is beyond me. One of these songs that the world doesn't need, especially not from a band like Deep Purple.

Bananas is very different with it's 7/8 beat. Powerful in all means with Ian on the harmonica. Roger is really pushing through the song and Don and Steve are doing the solo parts together, like a duell. The organ sounds very Jon-ish here. How come...   

Doing It Tonight. Somebody called it the weakest song. Yeez, I can't second that. It's my favorite. I love the beat, the rhythm, the harmonies and especially Ian's singing. What a song. Just way too short I could constantly listen to it.

Contact Lost. We all know what it's about, the accident of the spaceship. So it makes no sense to discuss it musical-wise. The song ends too soon and unexpected, like their journey did. Very nice homage to the astronauts.

My overall impression about Bananas is that is a pretty good album. Roger is all over the place, always driving forward. Don is surprisingly present, there's quite a few lick trades with Steve, not always the traditional "theme-solo-theme-solo" structure. Pretty refreshing. As I stated before I like Gillan very much on this one. He sings, and he sing beautifully. There's melodies again, not just rap-like screaming. Very enjoyable. And Paicey is doing what he's always doing: a perfect job on the stool. The guys appear as a real group, nobody is trying to dominate. No outstanding solos though, but real harmonic playing together.

Especially through the different opinions of my wife (she's thrilled - she says it totally rocks) and myself about the album I think I realize what it's about: I'm a Purple Maniac for almost 30 years, therefore I look differently at DP things, probably with higher and different expectations. She's just a rock music fan, not a Purple geek. Though I realize, even with my purple glasses on, for the avarage Rock fan this is one of the best albums that came out in years. It's really fresh, showing the musical ability of all the guys, very varying in styles, produced very well; in one word: very enjoyable. It will probably (and hopefully) reach some non-Purple-die-hards, make new fans and new audience guests. I think it will.

In my humble opinion it's way better than Abandon and about on the same level as Purpendicular. But it can't touch the historical releases mentioned above. I'm afraid it does not hold any song which we will still hear on the radio in twenty years. It's very well worth buying for everyone though, but it will not reach historical status, IMHO.


Purple regards to y'all.  And go and buy Bananas.

God bless you, Ted.


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