Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

The Steve Morse Columns

Steve Morse says: "Self-teaching, adjusting to fit the situation, and good 'people' skills are the keys to making it happen. Learning these skills, in addition to mastering technique, seems to be the way to go. That's why my columns have always leaned more toward the philosophy of being a musician...."

Steve used to write very interesting columns for the magazine "Guitar". The whole collection was reprinted and published by Cherry Lane Music in a compilation called "Open Ears", which is hard to find - at least over here in Europe. I can only give you a hint where you maybe still find this compilation, which holds nice pictures as well. Eric, who is running a fantastic site about Steve, may have a link on his page. Try this one: http://talk.to/stevemorse.   

For all those among you who can't get your hands on that wonderful compilation, I sat down for some weeks and re-typed them on these pages, hoping not to get sued for that by Cherry Lane Music....

Right now, the first   26   columns are available on this page. More are coming up soon.


  Playing With The Band
Developing A Style / Songwriting
Recording And Equipment


Playing With The Band

Signs Of Success The Human Element  Choosing A New Band Member
 The New Guy Jamming - Part One Jamming - Part Two
Sitting In Again Working With The Pros Band Rehearsal - Part One
Band Rehearsal - Part Two Support Getting Ready To Perform
Getting Back In Shape Jump Back Surviving Disasters
Plan B: Travel Promoting Your Band Get It In Writing
Getting Discovered Your Big Chance




Developing A Style / Songwriting

  Improving   Getting Out Of A Rut   "Nobody Else Does"
  More Practice Advice The Importance Of Practicing   Practice - Part One
  Practice - Part Two   Tuning   Rhythm
  Vibrato   Phrasing   The Use Of Speed
Classical Techniques On The Electrical Guitar Solo Guitar Playing - Part One Solo Guitar Playing - Part Two
  The Electricity Of The Acousric Guitar   Songwriting - Part One   Songwriting - Part Two
  Writing Tips: Counterpoint   Collaborations   Finishing A Song



Recording And Equipment

Getting Picked Up Stage Sound Getting The Most From Your Effects - Part Two
Big Gig Home Recording - Part One Recording The Steve Morse Band - Part One
Why Demo ? Home Recording - Part  Two Recording The Steve Morse Band - Part Two
Check It Out Getting The Most From Your Effects - Part  One





  Career Plateaus - Part One   Career Plateaus - Part Two   Career Plateaus - Part Three
  Creative Influences   What Do You Listen To ?   Influences
  Who's The Best Guitarist ?   The Creative Mind   Self - Taught
The American Guitarist, 1992   On The Road - Part One   On The Road - Part Two
  On The Road - Part Three On The Road With Rush - Part One On The Road With Rush - Part Two
  Situation: Normal   Tunnel Vision   Making Time
  Adapting   Adversity   The Big Picture
  Heroes   Guest Recording   Guesting On Sessions
  Joining Kansas - Part One   Joining Kansas - Part Two   The Shortest Gig
  Worth A Try   Reunion   Luck And The Future





Conversation With Eric Johnson - Part One (1987) Conversation With Eric Johnson - Part Two (1987)
A Conversation With Eric Johnson (1991) Steve Morse Interviews Albert Lee - Part Two
Steve Morse Interviews Albert Lee - Part One Farewell... For Now



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