Ted Mechanic's   

Before you move on to the Deep Purple Pages, let me tell you whom I wish to thank for the help to make it possible to put all this together:


My lovely wife  Brenda  for all her patience and understanding for my hobby, although I drive her nuts sometimes.

My brother Volker for getting me into Deep Purple.

Granny  for buying me my first record player and tape recorder, for giving me some alibis and every other support during my whole life and for being such a wonderful person.

All the band members and ex-members for their friendliness, patience, nice treatment and all the FUN times and unforgettable moments we had together (and the forthcoming ones).

Birgitt, Harald, Rainer and Svante for feeding me with information and motivating me to move on with the page.

Eric for inviting me to the Steve Morse "family", the imformative chats and motivation to work even harder on the columns.

Carole Stevens for her support and friendliness, for the permission to use some of the things here and, not at least, for intruducing me to Candice and Ritchie .

My friend Jürgen for taking snapshots of the band and me during the A-Band-On Tour '98.

Gennaro Marchese  for his permission to use the midi files you'll hear on some of my pages.

Ronni  for his technical support.


I hope you enjoy what I put together and, don't forget, it's still in the growing phase, so come back every now and then to see what's new. And let me know what you think about it.

Purple regards, God bless you all, Ted Mechanic



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