Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages



After being online with these pages for about a year now, I got lots of response and people asked me several questions. Thank you all for that, it's always appreciated ! I learned that many people have the same questions about my page and the band in general. Therefore I decided to put up this site which might answer some of the  frequently asked questions. If you don't find the answer to your question here, feel free to e-mail me.


Can I download mp3's from your page ?

NO. I do believe in royalties for the artists, so if you like their music, go and buy the CD at a store.


Can I find the lyrics of their songs on your page ?

No. They are all up on the official website, so I decided to not waste my time with typing them down again... Please go to    for them.  


Where can I buy all the bootlegs I saw on Mary's page ?

Well, that's a difficult one...  Mary spent years and years collecting them. Sometimes you find some at record conventions, but that's getting tougher nowadays, since in most countries they are illegal; at least making/selling them is. Owning them is not a violation of law, at least not in my country. Although I understand that most of the band members have no problems with bootlegs (Ritchie on the other hand would smack you with his Strat if he caught you making one...) it is still a risky topic, but I decided to put them up here, since I'm not dealing in them, neither am I making any money with them otherwise. My information is free, not sold as a book for example.

Sometimes you can also find some in stores on the net (in some countries it seems to be still legal, or at least tolerated). Also, once in a while you'll run into one at internet auctions, such as e-bay. Mary's page is meant to give you a little help for your shopping before you spend big time money on crap. This happened to her a lot.....


Are you making bootlegs / taping shows ?

Not in a million years would I dare. Although I love having them, I would rather spend my little money buying them (and making others rich...) than pissing off one of the band members with that. No way, José.


Do you trade tapes ?

No. My main interest is collecting the records and other memorabilia. I don't have to have every gig on tape. It's more about collecting "real pieces" than being complete with all the shows. But, if you're going for that, there's lots of tape traders out there on the net. You'll find them.....


Can you help me with guitar tablature ?

Not yet. I do have quite some, but I haven't yet found a decent way to put them up the net. Scanning the whole pages would create ridiculous loading times for you. This might be a project for my pages later, once I find a nice helpful program to transcribe them.



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