Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

The Purple Link Page

The following pages I do recommend :

If you want to be mentioned here, please send me and e-mail and I will check out your page and decide

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Official homepages about the band / bandmembers / related stuff
The Original Deep Purple Website  
Ritchie's official homepage
Steve Morse's official homepage
Ian Gillan's Caramba page
The Official Tommy Bolin Archives
Glenn Hughes' homepage
Purple Records homepage  
David Coverdale's official page


Private homepages about the DP family / fan clubs / mailing lists  
Birgitt's homepage. Her great homepage is dealing with all kinds of hard rock and metal and holds some interesting interviews with Purple guys as well.
The Aviator - official German Deep Purple fanclub (in German language)
Rainer's Homepage. The official German Ritchie Blackmore fanclub (with tons of images)
Peder's Deep Purple and Ritchie page (great page !!)
Marianne Niemann's Hjemmeside. A nice page (mainly danish language) with great images
MAN's Deep Purple Page
David Coverdale and Whitesnake page in English and Japanese language
Deep Purple Diary   (highly recommended)
Corey Collins Deep Purple homepage
Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow unoffiicial homepage
The Dixie Dregs / Steve Morse Tribute Page
The Deep Purple Fan Club in Poland (in Polish language)
Christian's Deep Purple Tour List
Roger Glover fanpage


Pages about related musicians
The Magic Tavern  -  official Axel Rudi Pell homepage
Ronnie James Dio's homepage
Tony Ashton's homepage
Murf's page (about lots of different guitar players, including Steve and Ritchie) Great page !
The Company Of Snakes Page  ( Bernie Marsden and Micky Moody )

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©  2000  by Axel Dauer