~Hello.....I am here again to tell you all alittle bit about me (Miss_Whiskers).....I am a 19 year old collage student from

~Glendale, Arizona I am taking classes to be a computer carttonsist or as you put it a graphic designer because one thing I like is too work on the computers and do different things

~I live with my step-father and my mom in a two bedroom apartment I am holding down a part time job just trying to help my mom and step-dad pay the bills and

~I am into many different things like art and music......My hobies are Reading, Writing, Taking quite Walks on the beaches (when I can), Drawing Cartoons,

~Talking to my friends on the web/phone and HorseBack Riding (When I can get The Time to do it) I hope you found out what you wanted to know about me See you soon!~