Ok GuyZ, don't get too excited now...^-^

Ok GuYZ...Ur Probably wondering.."who the hell are these hot chiqibabies?!?" rite?..hehe, tha one on the left ish LyNnIe aka NaSoMi & PrInCeSs^_-KiKi, and the one on the right ish Kathy aka DeVoTiOn..sorri GuYz..they are both TaKeN!~!~ BoOhOo ^x^

DiD i hear someone say.. "Is it hot in here?, or is it just me?"..hehehe, dis chiqs name ish Gueck AkA CrAzY^_-BiAtCh..and she's single.....but I don't think for vewwi long..kekeke..oh shes taken now!!

DiS IsH a PiC Of TiNa (On ThE LeFt) aka SmileZ..I'm not sure if she's single or not..but whatta babe ha??? hehe, i dunno who da chiq on the right ish..sowwies

DeSe ChIqs Are LiNda And SaRah (left to right), But so sorry to dissapoint ya, dey are off far from most of SYDNEY!!!!!! =( BooOOOooOOhOOooOOoooOoo.......=(
WhOa!!!! WhAT a SUpErMoDeL HuH?!?! hehee...Ur Probably wondering, and in suspense of who dis ish huh guYz?!?! STOP DROOLING!!!!, Well i'm not gonna tell ya her name, and keep u'se in suspense...hehehehe..nahhh i'm not that mean! Her name ish Serene aka Serene_14...I think she ish taken soo yea! SOrry Guyz, NEXT
TIME! =)
I can just hear you guyz sayin' Whos dis Chiq? whos dis chiq? hehee, well her name ish Vi aka angel_v, SHe iSh HEApz nice, Dats y she ish ma SIS! she ish ma net sis..ehhe, err..SORRY GUYZ! I think she ish taken...=( hehe

Hey peepz, dese r my friendz from skewl!!! Left to right-Adriana, Emma aka BackstreetsBack and Mary....Dese PeoPle R HeApz nice, even though Emma hits me once in a while, and it KILLZ!!!! hahahaha, wat sekc chiqs dey r huh? =P

              !MoRe PiCx COmInG SoOn!

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