Some affirm that this I generate it comes from the Havanan one, it devises that we find
quite ambiguous. The Double Rasguido that is of binary rhythm and it is written in 2/4, it
should be considered as a gender that to the adptarse to our peculiarity, it has achieved
an exclusively Paraguayan rhythmic conformation, to such a point that some of our creators
as, Emiliano R. Fernandez and other, they have composed truly original topics as Awake My
Angelina, Red Silva rekávo and others. After these creations, several more they intruded
in this gender with true success for the popular pleasure. This rhythm you ready to varied
melodic possibilities, and although it is framed inside a characteristic different to the
ternary vernacular figure, however, the possibilities are not very big, comparatively with
the other ones our rhythms.
The First floor can vary being adapted to the melody to secuence it according to the
composer's creativity. It is important to highlight the difference of accentuation that
exists between the Habaneraa and the Double Rasguido, since in this popular gender our the
accompaniment it has also been generated exclusively in the rasguido of the native
singers' guitar that when pulsing with the arpeggio (I fan), the later blow about the
value of the second quaver abligatoriamente should be accentuated, being noticed with it
the difference in the execution of the Havanan one. The Double Rasguido is another of the
rhythms that has transformed to be a rhythm integrated to the personality inamovible of
our wealth folkloríco with running of the time.