This is our on-air studio. Is consists of an 8X8 room containing a couch, fridge, and our mixer.

This is our transmitter assembly.It consists of the 14 amp power supply (Black box on left), 1 watt FM stereo transmitter (To right of power supply), and the 7 watt amplifier in copper brink enclosure (On top of power supply). The 2 meters on top of the transmitter are used for the following: Top-Field Strength meter,  Bottom-SWR meter. Coaxial cable used is of the RG-8/U type (52 ohm).
This is our broadcast tower. It is located in our backyard. We spent roughly $1000 in putting it up.

We also have local bands come in to play live, on the air.

That pretty much sums up our station tour.