Here's a list of some cool medical websites. If
you know of any more that I should include here, don't hesitate to email
me. But first a little about me. I am a 5th year student (1998) at the
University of Western Australia Medical School.UWA currently has a six
year medicine course for the degree of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery).
The first three years comprise the pre-clinical part of the course. The
scary year is supposed to be third year, but it isn't really that difficult
to pass. Now, in the clinical years (4-6) we are let loose on the unsuspecting
patients of Perth. So if you get sick in Perth, try to stay away from the
following hospitals - QEII(SCGH), Royal Perth, Fremantle, King Edwards,
and Princess Margaret. Considering these are the main hospitals this may
be a difficult task. But never fear, my colleagues and I are improving
all the time. Between 4th and 5th year I undertook a research project into
Huntington's Disease at the Neuropathology department at Royal Perth Hospital
which was a great learning experience. For more information about the UWA
medical course (especially if you are a student), visit my UWA
Med School Page. This site includes things like textbook reviews, and
course info, and is expanding all the time.
Medicine and Surgery Links.
Students' Lounge: Excellent Page for Med Students AUSTRALIAN SITESAMA : Australian Medical Association OPHTHALMOLOGYEye Site Perth:
Perth Ophthalmology Site JOURNALSMedical Journal of Australia:
Official Journal of the AMA
NEUROSURGERYNeurosurgeon: Anything you
need to know about Neurosurgery SURGERYRACS: Royal Australian
College of Surgeons ANATOMYDigital Anatomist:
Good Anatomy Atlas Paediatric
Points of Interest : Comprehensive site PHARMACOLOGYRx List: Good searchable drug
index |
GENERAL MED SITESPaperChase: Largest biomedical
database PATHOLOGYWeb
Path Museum: Great Pathology Site NEUROSCIENCESNeuropathology
Laboratory: A wealth of neuropath and neuroanatomy links MEDICAL SCHOOLSUWA : List of departmental pages Monash University : Melbourne ENTERTAINMENTE.R. Official
Website: No medical page would be complete without this! BAGGAS' NOTESRhabdomyolysis:
Info on a common condition, which is not really covered in the textbooks. |
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